Friday, 15 June 2012

Las Vegas 9.6.12 - 15.6.12

Well tomorrow I head off on my road trip..I haven't been able to go out in Vegas coz you have to be 21 to be in the casino and mum says that a little Blue Bear like me should not be out on the main street, because there is some unsavoury characters out there...but I'm sure I'll be out and about very soon.
Mum and Dave have had a great time and they are looking forward to heading off too. I missed the Grand Canyon but mum said that I would of been very scared, as it was a long way down if I looked over the edge too far. So mum let me stay at the hotel and watch some movies.
Well I'm off to bed now, as we have a big day of travel tomorrow. See you all soon.

Arrival at Las Vegas


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